I really can’t believe it’s May already. I think it’s probably because of the dreadful weather we’ve had up until now – cold and rainy with little sign of spring. Hopefully that will change from now on and next week I’m due to travel to Bristol to take part in CrimeFest, my favourite and, in my opinion, most friendly crime fiction festival. I’m participating in two panels this year. On Thursday 9th May I’ll be discussing abuses of privilege and power and on Sunday 12th I’m moderating a panel about crime fiction set between the wars. Should be fun and I hope to meet some of you there.

On a sadder note, this week saw the death of our beloved family dog, Finley (he was our younger son’s dog really but he stayed with us a lot and we came to love him). He was thirteen and his health had been deteriorating for a few months but losing him was still very difficult. He was a gorgeous border collie with a beautiful gentle nature and I’ve been very touched by the messages of condolence I received on Twitter (or should I say X). He is immortalized, however, in my book The Shadow Collector where he features as the heroic dog who helps Wesley to make a dramatic discovery. Sleep well, Fin.


To return to crime fiction, on 11th April I had a wonderful evening at the Serenity Bookshop in Romiley, Stockport where I launched the new paperback of The Killing Place, Wesley Peterson’s 27th investigation. It was lovely to meet such a large and enthusiastic audience there and many thanks to Chris and Kerry, the owners, for making me so welcome.


With Wesley’s 28th case, Coffin Island, ready to be published in early August, I’ve been working hard on the next in the series (number 29 – working title Murder Moon, although this may change). After I’ve completed this, I’ll begin work on a new Joe Plantagenet book – quite an exciting prospect! I’ll let you into a secret – I’ll have to re-read the first five before I start because as soon as I’ve finished a book, I tend to forget all about it and move on to the next – and it has been rather a long time since Joe solved a spooky crime in the mean snickleways of Eborby (aka York)!

Over the next few months, I’ll be out and about visiting libraries etc so do look at my events page and come and say hello if you can. Looking forward to seeing you.